Panaji: October 12,2015 …. The Minister for Forests and Environment Shri Rajendra Arlekar has said that cleanliness comes by understanding it as responsibility.

          Shri Arlekar was speaking as chief guest at the opening function of the Teachers’ Training Programme organized on behalf of the Monitoring –Cum-Working Committee for Solid Waste Management at Panaji recently.

The theme of the training was a step towards a cleaner Goa. The objective of the training programme was to deliberate on basic Waste Management System in school, collection mechanism for non-biodegradable waste and in this way to participate  teachers community in Swachch Bharat Mission  as they also  have  close rapport with the parents and local people as well.

Shri Arlekar further speaking said that, teachers are more interactive with the society then those of the other professionals. Therefore teachers can   play effective role in educating the masses about the disposal of the garbage. He urged them to  work together to our state and eventually the country clean. The training will help to work out management and mechanism to dispose off the garbage.

Chief Secretary Shri R. K. Srivastava  in his welcome address  pointed out the tendency of the people throwing plastic bags, bottles and other waste on road and open grounds which needs  to be changed  and the people ought to understand their responsibility towards the society and help   keep their work places and surrounding clean. He also said that Goa is a tourist destination and if kept clean will help to attract more and more tourists and it will also improve the image of Goa in the rest of the world. The training programme he said  will give proper insight of the solid waste management and pass the message of cleanliness up to the students  he asserted.

Shri C.A. Menezes, Director Merck Goa Plant, and ShriVaibhavKorgaokar, H.R. Manager handover keys of fork lane and Bailing  Machine to the Forest Minister ShriArlekar.   

Shri Levinson Martins, Director of The Department of Science and Environment and MS PCB,  Shri Jose Manuel Noroha Chairman Pollution Control Board, ShriRamkrishnaSamant, Deputy Director Education. Staffs of Merck India Ltd., Polluton Control Board were those who attended the programme.

          Smt. Dipti Umarye compered the function, and proposed the vote of thanks.


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