chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar launches opt out of lgp subsidy in goa


31/05/2015 …. On the day of the statehood day of goa chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar led the way along with minister for civil supplies dayanand mandrekar in opting out of the lgp subsidy in goa ..

In goa till date a total of 1812 people have opted out of lpg subsidy thus helping the central government to save an amount of 25 lakhs per annum to be used for the development of down trodden people in the country

The function was held at the seminar hall of the secretariat in porvorim on Saturday where in chief minister laximikant parsekar asked goans to think about the cause of poor people and support the opt out subsidy programme in the state

Civil supplies minister dayanand mandrekar said that it was an unique idea started by the prime minister of india shri narendra modiji …


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