Chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar launches e-services in state revenue as well as transport department


03/07/2015 …. As a part of the digital india week Chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar on Friday launched e-services in the revenue as well as transport department in to the state of goa making it convenient for goan citizens to follow up with their issues online in the two state departments …

In the revenue department services such as land partition case management services, land conversion management, e-services at village panchayats in south goa and smart card based registration certificate were launched by chief minister parsekar in the presence of chief secretary s srivastava, infotech corporation chairman subash phaldesai and other government officials

While in transport department services such as chief minister Parsekar launched e-services of Smart Card based Registration Certificate and e- payment of taxes such as road tax/Passenger tax/Dealer Deposits which could be can be done through online payment system using e-Challan portal simply by filling the “e-Challan” form.

The Directorate has introduced Smart card based Driving license and launching Smart card based registration certificate in the state of Goa.