Panaji : September 3, 2016 …. The Directorate of Official Language intends to restructure the existing Panel of Translators, in order to enable various Government Department, to outsource the translation work of welfare schemes, Citizens Charters, Statutory documents, State/Central Acts and Rules and other allied material meant for information of general public.

 In this context, the Directorate of Official Language has invited applications from eligible graduate persons desires to incorporate for the following  panel and subject as under:

          Panels of Private translators from English to Konkani and vice versa, translators from English to Marathi and vice versa, translators from English to Hindi and vice versa and Panel of Private translators from English to Portuguese and vice versa.

 The interested persons are requested to submit the requirement for the above panel is prescribed such as educational qualification certificate, date of birth, 15 years residence /domicile certificate, Identity proof, experience certificate, if any and any other relevant information related to Empanelment of Translators.

  those interested persons who fulfill the above criteria may forward their applications upto September 30, 2016 in the prescribed form available in the Directorate of Official Language alongwith the self attested copies of the documents to the Director, Directorate of Official Language, Junta House, Panaji. The persons who are employed should submit their applications through proper channel.