Panaji ; Aug 25, 2014 … Pernem, Mamlatdar Office has invited application from interested parties residing in the locality of Casarvarne Village Panchayat Viz, Co-operative Societies of educated unemployed, Registered Co-operative Societies, Educated unemployed , Scheduled Cast and Scheduled Tribes, Freedom Fighters, Physically handicapped and other having spacious premises for handaling and storing P.D.S. and non P.D.S. commodities and should be financial sound with reasonable business to run a Fair Price Shop No. 14 at Casarvarne, Pernem.

In case of Co-operative societies of educated unemployed are necessarily required to be educated unemployed and should be on the live register of  Employment Exchange for two years and they should be within the age limit of 18 to 35 years of each members.

Educated unemployed should have passed S.S.C.E through any recognized school in Goa State and should be on the live register of the Employment Exchange at least for two years and should be within the age limit of 18 to 35 years.

Besides, he should be completely free from encumbrance of studies. No member of family of the applicant should have authorization  to run the Fair Price Shop in the Casarvarne Village of Pernem Taluka. 

The application should reach the Office of the Mamlatdar of Pernem, Taluka, on or before September 30, 2014. 


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