All Goa Fishermen’s Federation criticized the state government for not coming out with a clear policy on state fishing ban


11-05-2013 … President of the All Goa Fishermen’s Federation John Mendes has criticized the state government for not coming out with a clear policy of weather the state government was serious of putting a fishing ban of 75 days in to the state of goa or not which had created ruckus among the fishing community …

It may be noted that The state government had shown interest of reconsidering its decision of imposing 75-day-long fishing ban in the state from this year onwards, after fishing associations objected to such a long shutout period.

The fishing community in the state was divided over the issue with traditional fishermen welcoming the prolonged ban period, while mechanized trawlers has opposed the ban claiming it to be too long after which the government had contemplated the possibility of shortening the ban duration from 75 days to 60 days or even of 45 days as it was practiced till last season.

Currently, the fishing ban in the state is from June 15 to July 31, every year

Speaking to goanreporter President of the All Goa Fishermen’s Federation John Mendes said if the state government was not ready to impose a 75 days fishing ban in goa then the state government should have not announced it as it had created confusion in to the minds of the boat owners community

Mendes said it was wrong from the state government side of just giving assurances on the 75 days fishing ban and not implementing it

Mendes also stated that the state government was not firm in their decision and such confusions would create riffles among the fishing community