Panaji ; July 30, 2014 … Agricultural prospects for July, 2014, Transplanting/Sowing of Kharif rice is ongoing, Planting materials are made available to the farmers at Agricultural farms and all Zonal Offices of the Directorate of Agriculture.

System of Rice Intensification (SRI), method of paddy cultivation which can give higher yields with less seed use is being popularized in kharif seasion, 153 kgs vegetable seeds has been sold at 5o% subsidy during the month of kharif vegetable cultivation. Workshop on “vegetables under Poly house-production and Marketing

91 farmers attended the workshop, eight students are nominated against reserved seats at Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Knkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra for higher education in Agriculture field

while 1542 soil samples were tested in soil Testing laboratory, Ela Old Goa and Maragao and three Agriculture Training three Home Science Training Camp were conducted at Dharbandora, wherein 48 farmers and 83 farm women attended the camp.