Adoption guidelines being simplified to minimize delay in adoption process says Union Minister of Women and Child Development Government has no proposal to set up State Adoption Resource Authority under CARA


22/07/2014 … The Government is revising the existing guidelines for adoption of Indian children. The Guidelines are being revised to further simplify the procedure and to minimize delay in the process of adoption.

Some of the changes contemplated in the existing Guidelines are: provisions for linking the orphan/abandoned/surrendered children of all Child Care Institutions (CCIs) to the adoption system in the process; treating Non Resident Indians prospective adoptive parents at par with the domestic prospective adoptive parents; reducing the timeframe for completion of home study report from two months to one month; simplification of the procedure for inter-country family/relative adoptions. 

The Government has no proposal to set up the State Adoption Resource Authority under the Central Adoption Authority in each State of the country. At present, there are 26 States Adoption Resource Agencies working under the administrative control of respective States/UTs. 

This information was given by Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, Union Minister of Women and Child Development in a written reply in the Lok Sabha recently.