Panaji: March 3, 2016 … The Goa Medical college has invited Applications  from eligible  candidates who have obtained their permanent Registration with Medical council of India, State Medical Council and have appeared for AIPGMEE- 2016 for admissions to 50% state Quota post Graduate Degree/ Diploma seats of Goa University at Goa Medical College for the academic year 2016-17.

Admissions shall be on the basis of Rules and Regulations notified in the Government Gazette of India No. 44 dated 25th March 2009. Calculation of Aggregate Academic Merit and Bond implementation shall be as per Government Gazette series I No. 36 dated December 8, 2015.

The Provisional additional seats that are offered from academic year (2010) are as per the directives of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India vide letter No. U.12012/988/2009-ME(P.II) dated January

5, 2010 and in accordance with MIC vide their letter Nos.MIC-23 (1) 2009-Med./53390 dated  November 30, 2009 & vide letter No.MCI-23(1) 2009-Med./73706 dated February 13, 2010.The newly permitted 11 PG  Degree seats are As per directives of MCI vide letter No. U.12012/977/2014-ME(P.II) dated February 27, 2015.As per directives of MCI vide letter No.MCI-34(1) (Gen.)2009-/2509, 3% of PG Seats are  allocated to PH Candidates fulfilling the MCI criteria.

Details of seats available and Rules to be followed are displayed on Notice Board of Goa Medical college, Bambolim. As per the schedule for completion of counseling-cum-admission for 50% post Graduate under State Quota the date of Inviting applications is March 14, 2016.The last date receipt of applications is April 28, 2016.  (by 5:00pm.)

Display of  Provisional Merit list on Medical college .Notice Board on April 6, 2016. Display of Final Merit List on Medical college Notice Board. The first round of counseling- cum-Admission is April, 13, 2016.

Last date for joining the allotted course after 1st round on April 22, 2016. Second round of Counseling- cum Admission is May 20, 2016 and last date for joining the allotted course after 2nd round is May 27, 2016. Commencement of Academic Session/Term may 01 2016. Last date up to which students can be admitted / joined against vacancies  arising due to any reason is May 31, 2016.

The above schedule is as per orders of Hon’ble Supreme court of India dated: Jan18, 2016 in IA 7 & 8 in Writ petition 314 & 328 of 2015 and is subject to change upon subsequent Orders (if any) from Hon.Court/MCI/MOHFW. Additional post Graduate Admission rounds may be held at short notice upon orders from above higher regulatory authorities. Hence applicants are requested to follow college Notice Board and website regularly.

 Venue & Time of counseling-cum-admission at Conference Hall, next to office of Dean, GMC from 2.30 pm onwards. Candidates must remain present in person during each Round of Counseling- cum Admission with all original documents along with attested copies