Action under Section 188 of Indian Penal Code against the owners of the premises for not submitting Tenants verification forms to the local Police Station


15/08/2014 …. With  a view  to have  a serious check on criminals and  crime  committed by  people, who are  native  of other  States and staying  in Goa  on rent  or working  in Goa,  their Tenants/Servant verification forms are being filled and their  antecedents are being  verified through  their  Parent Police  Station  at their  native  place.

 During the  current  year 2014 ( Up to 31.07.2014 ), North  District Police  have  submitted  14 reports  to the District  Magistrate North, Panaji  under  section 188 of Indian Penal Code against the owners of Premises from Caranzalem, Salvador-do-Mundo, Succoro, Krantinagar-Porvorim, Bethora, Durgabhat-Ponda, Candolim, Umtawada-Calangute and Maddawada Calangute area  for not  submitting  tenant verification forms and other   relevant  information  as required  by the Police  Stations.

            It is  appealed  to the  general  public of North Goa  that  as per  the order  of the  Collector, North, It is  mandatory to all  the owners  who are  letting their premises  on  rent  to fill   up  Tenant Verification  forms and submit  to the local  Police  Station along  with relevant documents of the  tenant for  verification of his/her antecedents  from  parent  Police  Station  at his/her  native  place. Failing  which,  action  under   Section  188 of Indian  Penal Code will be  initiated  against  the   concerned  owner  of the premises.