Margao:  December 05, 2018 … The District Magistrate and Chairperson of South Goa District Crisis Group, Dr. Tariq Thomas have decided to conduct the mock drill at the bottling plant of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Verna Industrial Estate, Verna on December 13, 2018 between 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. as a part of the planned drills to be conducted in all the Major Accidental Hazardous Units (MAH) in South Goa this year.

The South District Magistrate, Dr. Tariq Thomas chairing a preparatory meeting of all the line agencies at Collectorate today stressed the need to conduct such drills with full evacuation of the entire areas likely to be affected to provide the much required confidence to handle real life situation and improvise on all the shortcomings, if any.

Dr. Thomas underscored the importance of response time of the stakeholders to attend emergency situations apart from ensuring that the SOPs are followed to the extent possible to oversee the effectiveness of the off-site emergency plan.

The drill is planned to check the response and capabilities of the various departments and agencies in the district to undertake emergency operations in the event of occurrence of such an accident.

It may be informed that the South Goa District Crisis Group have successfully conducted such drills in four of the  8 Major Accidental Hazardous Units (MAH) in South Goa this year to create awareness among the residents of the locality on how to take safety measures and prepare themselves during such incidences.

The industrialists and general public are informed that the traffic in and around Plot No M-19 to M35 in Phase II-B would be diverted through the appropriate by-lanes during the aforesaid time on the given day and appealed for co-operation with the authorities.

Dy. Collector & SDM, Salcete, Shri Uday Prabhudessai; DYSP’s, Shri Uttam Raut Dessai and Shri Prabhod Shirvaikar; Assistant Information Officer, DIP, Shri Allwyn Pereira and other stakeholders including representative from BPCL were present for the meeting.


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