Panaji: July 04, 2018 ..  The Governor of Goa Dr. ( Smt.) Mridula Sinha inaugurated 3 Week Refresher  Course in  Hindi  organized by UGC Human Resource Development  Centre Goa University, at Taleigao Plateau recently.

The Academic staff of the University conducts refresher courses in various subjects. In these courses it is strived to upgrade and update the knowledge of teachers in their respective subjects  of  their specialization. The contents of the courses  are  objectively selected to enlighten teachers about the contemporary developments in their subjects and also to provide an understanding about the emerging areas of research. During the refresher courses, the teachers will  also discuss the syllabi and suggest to the stipulated changes to make them more relevant to Hindi language in   present environment.

 Dr. Sinha while addressing the gathering said that the Hindi language is being studied in 55 countries of the world this is how it is spread all over the world.  Hindi is a rich language with vast literature. The fate of Hindi language should be concern for all of us in overgrowing influence of English in our country.

Dr. Sinha further said that, Hindi language has acquired various form with its spread in different parts of our country. Hindi has been recognized as our national tongue so we all have to work for its progress and prosperity she added.

Vice –Chancellor GU, Prof. Varun Sahni welcomed the guests. HRD head Prof. I.K.Pai compered the function while Registrar Goa University Prof. Y.V. Reddy proposed the vote of thanks.  


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