Panaji, June 04, 2018 … The United Nations has designated June 5 as the World Environment Day (WED) to serve as “people day” for protective measure to take care of Mother Earth. India is the global host of World Environment Day this year and the theme is “Beat Plastic Pollution” The Government of India has committed to organize and promote the World Environment Day celebration through a series of awareness activities and events generating strong public interest and participation.
The ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change (MOEF and CC), has decided that awareness programmes will be undertaken for students, general public, NGO’s various government departments and other state holders across the country to create awareness. A wide publicity on impact of plastic waste on environment and the 3R’s principle _reduce, Reuse and Recycle and Restraint will be encouraged .
The Central Pollution Control Board has requested the teaching community, transport department and other concerned department and stake holders to educate and create awareness among public and students to reduce the use of single use plastic as a social responsibility. The plastic mitigation awareness messages should be displayed on websites of all the Government Department and at prominent locations. Sufficient number of plastic waste collection bins should be set up respective departments and handover the segregated plastic waste to recyclers.