Goans all set to celebrate the Feast of St Francis Xavier on 3rd December


OLDGOA: on 3rd of December all roads would be packed with devotees of st Francis Xavier as the nine day’s novena’s of st Francis Xavier which started on 24th of November last month would end up with the December 3rd being celebrated as the feast day of st Francis Xavier who is also know as goa’s patron saint …

Masses on Monday would start as early as 4am after which it would be followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 with the feast mass being celebrated at 10.30 am in the morning where in would bishop of Jalandhar bishop anil couto would be the main celebrant for this year’s feast mass along with goa’s arch bishop felipe neri ferrao, rev bishop raul goansalves and hundreds of other priest from goa and round the world …

Eminent dignitaries from the state government side as well as from other professions are also expected to be a part of the feast mass …

Later on the feast day masses would also be held at 12.30 in the afternoon which would be followed by 4.15pm, 5.15pm and 6.15pm in the evening …

This time it seems  with iffi festival coming to an end before the feast of st francis Xavier the state government have taken enough care to see that proper law and order along with traffic arrangements are maintained in and around old goa with hundreds of police personnel’s as well as traffic personnel’s are seen deployed all around old goa …

It may be noted that the feast of st francis xaiver on which lakhs of devotes ask for blessings and miracles draws lakhs of crowd to the basilica of bom jesus at old goa every years on 3rd December