panjim, nov-2015 … The traders in the Country celebrated Diwali festival this year with a new energy by embracing technology in their Diwali Puja. For​ ​ first time in the Country beside holding Traditional Diwali Puja at physical stores, the traders ​in different states​ also performed Diwali Puja at their virtual stores at different e commerce portals.
Diwali Puja, considered to be most auspicious for the traders are particularly performed at business places and since virtual stores at e commerce portals are also our business place, therefore, we performed Diwali Puja at virtual stores also along with conducting pooja at our physical stores-said Mr. Praveen Khandelwal, Secretary General of the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) which has mooted this unique initiative.
At CAIT headquarters at New Delhi, vedic scholars amid chanting of Mantras performed Diwali Pooja by switching on e commerce portal e-lala and worshiping God Shri Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi placed at the portal. Traders applied Tilak to deities and offer floral garlands. In place of Account Books, the Computers and other means of business communications including Laptop, Mobile, Telephone, Whatsap on Cellphone were also worshiped.
 CAIT National President Mr. B.C.Bhartia said that Diwali Puja at virtual stores of e commerce portals has given a message that traders are not legging behind in embracing the technology and e commerce is an emerging and promising market and beside their brick & mortar shops, the traders should utilize e commerce as an additional tool of growth in their business.
The CAIT is all set to launch its e commerce portal e-Lala on forthcoming 23rd November at New Delhi. Global major in card payment technology MasterCard and lead bank HDFC Bank are supporting e-Lala​.​



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