St cruz mla babush monsoratte criticizes state government for failing to get Miramar- donapaula road completed, personally ask for information under RTI from gsidc as when and why the road has not yet been completed till date


24/10/2015 …. Calling it another scam in the making St cruz mla babush monsoratte has criticized the state government for failing to get the Miramar- donapaula road completed and has now personally asked for information under RTI from gsidc as when and why the road has not yet been completed till date

Addressing media persons in panjim st cruz mla babush monsoratte said that he had stood in the sun and had slogged to see that the beautification of road was done in a proper way but the present government had totally damaged the road for reasons best known to them and had deprived senior citizens from their good evening

Mr monsoratte said that he was surprised that the concerned contractor who was carrying out the work of Miramar donapaula road was himself not sure of when the road which was being repaired in the past three and half years would get completed

Mr monsoratte also stated that he failed to understand as what were the main priorities of the state government



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