Goan Reporter News: District Magistrate, South Prohibits All Types Of Arms, Fire Arms and Lethal Weapons


District Magistrate and District Election Officer South Goa has prohibited the carrying of all types of arms, firearms, ammunition, lethal weapons, in any public place, street, road squares, through fare, Public Meeting, by lanes or in any open place in the entire jurisdiction of South Goa District with immediate effect until further orders.

However the above restrictions shall not apply to public servants, Police, Defense Personnel and security Personnel on duty/ Sports Persons who are members of National Rifle Association of India, responsible persons of banks and its retainers, or who has been specially exempted by a specific order by the competent authority.

Violation of this is punishable Under Section 188 of I.P.C and cognizance of violation can be taken by any Government Official including Police Officers and Executive Magistrates.


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