SAG gives ten days time for gca to file their reply on to the synopsis of their written argument as well as the additional reply in connection with a show cause notice issued by the sag threatening de-recognition of gca


25/10/2014 …. Director of sports authority of goa sandip Jacques has given a ten day time for gca to file their reply on to the synopsis of their written argument as well as the additional reply in connection with a show cause notice issued by the sag threatening de-recognition of gca

It may be noted that the matter which was heard on 9th of October this month was later kept to be heard for 24th of October after the legal advisor of the gca president advocate keertani sought to know from sag the details as weather there were any power in the sag constitution to recognize or de-recognise the goa cricket association

the GCA president had responded to the notice terming the notice as unwarranted without jurisdiction and challenging the powers of SAG to issue such a notice …

both gca president vinod phadke and his legal advisor advocate k t keertani were present for the hearing which took place on Friday before the director of sports authority of goa

sag director sandip jacques said that the legal counsel of gca had brought on record a couple of legal issues which had to be looked upon and therefore the matter was kept for hearing once again on 4th of November next month

Meanwhile gca president vinod phadke said that the allegation made against him by some gca managing committee members were totally false and baseless for which he would take legal action against the concerned managing committee members

Meanwhile mr Phadke also stated that the meeting taken by the eight managing committee members on Thursday was illegal and had no standing as far as gca constitution was concerned


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