Goan Reporter News: Applications invited for State Awards


The Directorate of Social Welfare has invited applications in the prescribed application form from Employers, NG0’s and Persons with Disabilities for the various categories State Awards such as Best Employer (One Award), Best NGO (One Award) and Best Employee with Disabilities : Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Physical Disability (Three Awards).

One award in each category for Person with Disabilities such as Visually Impaired, Speech and Hearing Impaired, Locomotor Disability will be given for the Best Employee with Disabilities.

Each Award consists of Cash Amount of Rs. 25,000/-, Citation Certificate, Shrifat (Coconut) and Shawl.

Prescribed Applications Forms are available at the counter of Directorate of Social welfare, Panaji as well as at District welfare office, Directorate of Social Welfare, Mathany Saldanha Administrative complex, Margao-Goa free of cost. Application in prescribed format duly filled in all respect and accompanied with Xerox copies of the documents attested by Gazetted Officer should reach Directorate of Social welfare on or before November 17, 2023.

State Awards will be presented on December 19, 2023 at the hands of Chief Minister on the occasion of celebration of Goa Liberation Day.


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