Goan Reporter News: Indian Ocean Wave – 23 Tsunami mock exercise on October 11th 2023.


The Commandant, District Ops and Plans Officer for District Commander has informed that a Tsunami Mock Drill (IOWAVE-23) coordinated by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ) is scheduled on October 11, 2023 along West Coast of India, wherein INCOIS will be coordinating the Mock Drill in India, all action is to be taken as per State Disaster Contingency Plan.

The three websites i.e. www.incois.gov.in, itic.ioc-unesco.org, and www.tsunami.noaa.gov will issue warnings which will include ETA of the predicted Tsunami in the area.

The said Tsunami Mock Drill (IOWAVE-23) on October 11 at 11.30 a.m. will be simulated with an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 in Makran Trench off the coast of Iran (preparable participation for West Coast of India and Lakshadweep) wherein the scenario will run in real time for a period of 12 hours.


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