st cruz mla babush monsoratte steps up his campaigning process for taleigao village panchayat elections


14/04/2014 …. With the Taleigao panchayat election scheduled to take place on april 27 of this month st cruz  mla babush monsoratte has stepped up his campaigning process along with his supporters for the panchayats elections asking to vote for his taleigao progressive development front ….

The st cruz mla babush monsoratte heads the progressive development front from which mr monsoratte has fielded 11 candidates in eleven wards of the taleigao village panchayat and was seen moving from houses to house campaigning for his candidates at the upcoming panchayat elections

 Political equations believe that this time it won’t be an easy task for mr monsoratte to get his panel elected at the village panchayat elections and would have to work hard for his victory as the bjp party has also made provisions to put candidates and fight the battle at the April 27 village panchayat elections

 Like his usual trend mr Monserrate had announced candidates for the 11-member panchayat well in advance and had picked up fresh candidates from which only few are believed to be old faces who had fought panchayat elections last term before.

 Speaking to goanreporter st cruz mla babush monsoratte said that he had no issues as far as his voters were concerned and was confident that his support would get his panel elected at the taleigao village panchayat

Monosratte said that at a certain extent he earlier panchayat panel has been able to satisfy their voters in taleigao village with basic amenities

 Monosratte also shared his idea of selecting a new candidate after ever five year term in all the eleven wards under his front for the taleigao village panchayat elections

 Meanwhile rekha shital bandhari who is contesting from ward no X under the taleigao progressive development front said