directorate of film festivals in ints major decision for the upcoming iffi 2013 have finally decided to hold both the events at the last year venue of campal grounds instead of holding it at the newly constructed indoor stadium at Bambolim


19-10-2013 … After much of speculations on where would the opening and closing ceremony of the upcoming international film festival would be held the directorate of film festivals in ints major decision for the upcoming ifi 2013 have finally decided to holding both the events at the last year venue of campal grounds instead of holding it at the newly constructed indoor stadium at Bambolim citing reasons of proper infrastructure to be ready well before the schedule dates…

It may be noted that the state government had recently announced that the opening and closing ceremonies of the International Film Festival of India at a newly constructed indoor stadium at Bambolim which has been constructed to host some events of the Lusofonia Games to be held in January next year.

The state of goa are about to hold IFFI from November 20-30, while the international sporting event is scheduled from January 18-29.

Last year the state government had put up a special air-conditioned hangar erected at the Dayanand Bandodkar football stadium, Campal, for the opening as well as closing ceremony of the forthcoming International Film Festival of India

It may be recalled that the government had taken the decision to erect a special facility at the old football stadium since the Kala Academy, which is the regular venue for IFFI opening and closing ceremonies over the years, has limited capacity of around 965 seats.

the Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation is in charge of the construction of the temporary hangar, which is being erected by a Delhi-based company at the cost of Rs 1.23 crore.
and had a total capacity of around 2,700 spectators, out of which 240 seats are reserved for members of the print and electronic media.

Speaking to goanreporter vice chairman of entertainment society of goa Vishnu surya wagh said “the dff has taken one of its major decision on which the administration of goa has also agreed and that is to hold both the opening and closing ceremonies of iffi 2013 at the campal football grounds like last year though initially it was decided to hold both the events at the newly constructed indoor stadium at Bambolim but twice the committee visited and I think the officials of dff are not sure that the infrastructure would be completed by the schedule time”

Wagh said “at the same time our administration also now are pulling up its legs and they are also half hearted now about the completion of the infrastructure at bambolim well on time and therefore everyone has taken a decision to have the iffi event at the same place like last year so dff has intimated it to the esg stating that arrangements should me made for a hanger at the campal football grounds for holding ifi 2013 opening and closing ceremonies