The South Goa Superintendent of Police, Arvind Gawas (IPS) took a stringent action by suspending two police personnel in the senior photojournalist, Soiru Komarpant manhandling case. Police driver, Ujesh U. Naik and police constable, Mahendra M. Gosavi attached to the Fatorda police station have been suspended after the Goa Union of Journalists (GUJ), South Goa Journalists Association (SGJA) and Photo Journalists Association Goa (PJAG) condemned the manhandling of the senior photojournalist demanding strict action. The Goa Union of Journalists earlier met the DIGP, Rajesh Kumar (IPS) at the Police headquarters in Panaji and submitted a memorandum demanding immediate suspension of police personnel involved. GUJ also wrote to the IGP, Jaspal Singh (IPS) and sought his intervention. The South Goa SP Arvind Gawas (IPS) had assured the apex journalists body that strong action would be taken. The Goa Union of Journalists appreciate and thank the offices of the IGP, Jaspal Singh (IPS), DIGP, Rajesh Kumar (IPS) and the South Goa Superintendent of Police for the quick and prompt action.


Panaji: 16/01/2020::: The South Goa Superintendent of Police, Arvind Gawas (IPS) took a stringent action by suspending two police personnel in the senior photojournalist, Soiru Komarpant manhandling case.

Police driver, Ujesh U. Naik and police constable, Mahendra M. Gosavi attached to the Fatorda police station have been suspended after the Goa Union of Journalists (GUJ), South Goa Journalists Association (SGJA) and Photo Journalists Association Goa (PJAG) condemned the manhandling of the senior photojournalist demanding strict action.

The Goa Union of Journalists earlier met the DIGP, Rajesh Kumar (IPS) at the Police headquarters in Panaji and submitted a memorandum demanding immediate suspension of police personnel involved. GUJ also wrote to the IGP, Jaspal Singh (IPS) and sought his intervention. The South Goa SP Arvind Gawas (IPS) had assured the apex journalists body that strong action would be taken.

The Goa Union of Journalists appreciate and thank the offices of the IGP, Jaspal Singh (IPS), DIGP, Rajesh Kumar (IPS) and the South Goa Superintendent of Police for the quick and prompt action.


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