new regional party GOA FORWARD launched in goa.


26/01/2015 … a new political party name goa-forward was launched on monday with prabhakar timble as its president

the details of the party goa-forward are as follows

The name of the new regional political alternative:



The application is submitted to Election Commission of India and we expect the registration by April.

The membership process has started and the organizational wings— Constituency Council, District Council, State Council and State Political Affairs Committee will be formed shortly.

The State Executive will consist of 30 members, of which 10 to be women and 5 students. At present, 11 are chosen by the Founder Members. The vacancies would be filled shortly.

Political movement & Election Management

As a political movement we will sensitize all Goans to the threats to the DNA of Goa—a mosaic of liberalism, pluralism, multilingualism, openness and bountiful nature is under threat. Goemkarponn is reflected in the optimal mix of leisure & work, accepting & non-interfering community.

Brand Goa is under attack. The bad state of finances. The U-turns, no issue gets closed. Trust deficit in government: Authoritative working—-  Investment Promotion Board, Sumul, Defence Expo, Coconut tree removed from protection. Unhealthy lobbies are controlling the government.

We will also put our programme and agenda to youth and people.

As Goa’s political party our priorities are two:

(1) we are committed to Goa’s inclusive development retaining “Goemkarponn” AND

(2) all our efforts would be to oust the BJP from power. We are prepared to make sacrifices and work together with other political parties and independent politicians even though there may be some issues on which we are not on same platform.

Divisive issues which are raked up to vitiate the social atmosphere for political gains & Vote bank politics. We believe in peaceful co-existence and resolution of these issues in the true democratic spirit of dialogue and consensus. We will not widen rift through on the spur reactions. Coming together and settling differences needs patience.

VISION: DEVELOPMENT WITH HAPPINESS (inclusive development, transparency, citizen empowerment)


OBJECTIVE:a)  Sustainable development b) Human Development c) Employment & Business opportunities d) Preserve Brand Goa: liberalism, pluralism, harmony, diversity, openness, multilingualism.

USP:  Goa decides, High Command in Goa; Key party office-bearers not in public elections; Fresh faces in party & assembly; POSITIVE POLITICS: Development, Employment, Clean administration and Goemkarponn


The vaccum in Goa; Goa thinking regional, failures of national parties, young volunteer brigade, opportunity to build the GF movement. Move away from traditional politics of caste, religion and money.


Personal targeting, threat of vote split, no experienced politicians in the party, power grabbers, poaching, engineering resignations, ridicule calling party as bunch of jokers.

We are aware of these threats and it is only our political movement that will answer these threats.


This will commence throughout Goa, in all 40 constituencies from tomorrow. We will review the progress at regular intervals.

Plan for a Youth brigade (fauz) to train 2000 volunteers is in place. We will train the core group who will move to the field for training the rest.

Field action:  Epi-centre at Amdai, Sanguem to rest of Goa. Announcement will be made shortly.

GF will support all activists, groups, NGOs who Think Goa actively join them in their protests.